CBC Power and Politics' (I am a regular follower of the show) question of the day was "Should political attack ads be banned?".
Well this got me thinking and here are my thoughts...
Political election ad campaigns are necessary in our society as it is today (it doesn't have to be) although I would strongly disagree with attack ads. A number of attack ads we have so far been bombarded with are not only unnecessary but libelous.
Here is my concern regarding political election attack ads, first and foremost, attack ads do not present a reasonable form of debate citizens have the right to witness. Attack ads tend to depoliticize the important issues these parties need to be addressing and focus merely on negative spins of their opponents. If political parties want to attack one another on personal and irrelevant matters, of course they should be able to, but it just seem a decent request to have them outside of public media. These kind of attack ads are insulting to the public they are intend to serve.
Second, the idea that we even need political election ad campaigns needs critical analysis which brings into question the roles of the media and the government and their relationship.
If the government and political parties are appropriately held accountable through the media (news media in particular as the supposed watchdogs) and citizens are informed on the issues that make into the political agenda on a daily basis, I don't see why there would be a need for election ad campaigns. The people of a democratic nation are supposed to be provided with the daily ingredients of issues and matters in the political, social, economic, and cultural debates through their governments and the media.
If you follow the news as I religiously do, then, you know you are wasting your time. The repetitive rhetoric of the conservatives is sickening. There is no reasonable debate during the question period we have access to. The broadcast of the question period provides embarrassment to those of us who cannot believe that essential issues are fought and argued for and against by people who just do not even seem to be able to hold a simple conversation. It is like watching kids placing blame on each other in order to get away with their mistakes or stubborn beliefs. The sense of dialogue and building up to a reasonable discussion is simply absent in our political leaders.
Yes, I am disturbed by all this, and many other political and social issues. I think it is time to start demanding from our political leaders more respect and reasonable answers...
I will get to the election fraud, the Oda & Kenney's scandal maybe tomorrow...
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