Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hot Election Issues: are Canadians compromising too much?

While our political leaders visit town halls and craft encouraging partisan speeches, the news reports on high long-term unemployment rates, household debt at 150% of income, and increased cost of living. I am thinking if our political leaders actually cared about Canadians as they state, they would not be on campaign trails preaching change and attacking rivals with ideological discourse.

Focusing on learning passports, job creation, health care, and relatively strong economy, our politicians are painting their parties with hot issues. But as a Canadian whose lives revolve much more than mere economics, education, and healthcare, do you feel that by placing your vote on the one hot issues that matters most you are somehow compromising too much?

As we are dynamic beings constantly changing within a constantly changing world, a more comprehensive approach to politics would be smarter politics. Our leaders are not only breaking Canada into partisan fractions through constant attacks and meaningless accusations, but they are breaking Canadians’ lives into hot issues on which we weigh our votes.

Where would I rather see our political leaders today?

I don’t want Ignatieff and Harper taking turns wowing Canadians in Brampton with their respective partisan rhetoric. I do not want to see Layton encouraging his crowd at the Thunder Bay town hall to chant “down with Harper”.

Canadians are experiencing concrete needs right here, right now. Abstract rhetoric of honorable promises is nothing more than that: abstract rhetoric.

What I think we fundamentally need is for our leaders to realize that there are real needs, daily needs as Canadians go to the grocery store knowing that should they purchase what their kids are whining for they might not have enough money to purchase nutritious food. Real Canadians are now at home, unemployed, constantly searching for jobs. Real Canadians are graduating now not knowing how they will be paying their student loans without a job to step into next month. Real Canadians are now losing their homes as feeding their children and keeping their homes warm have prevented parents from being able to afford their mortgage.

Yes, our leaders are addressing these issues, but on their own and one issue at a time. So, at this point, we are stuck listening to their promises wondering which of these candidates actually mean what they claim. Can you tell for sure who will keep their promises within the timeline Canadian have until they become homeless?

What I want to see is our leaders addressing all these urgent issues together. All candidates have been raised to this potential position for a reason. Thus, if they are all capable to lead a nation, why not sit down and help Canadians by working together.

I wish all leaders would gather and debate, and brainstorm, and engage with each other as concerned leaders. No, partisanship is not too tall a wall if candidates consider themselves human beings before politicians. Canadians need them to make a sacrifice and set their partisan stubbornness and pride aside. Although some issues would be approached from mutually exclusive perspectives, where there is the possibility of a common ground for some of our economic and social problems, they need to start working together. A lot of vulnerable Canadians just cannot wait for this political charade to end.

Is one party really above others? When there are urgent needs to be addressed, partisanship games do not only withdraw available resources from where they might fundamentally be required, they forget the real material conditions of Canadians whose lives are shaped by the resolution of these very same games.

My blog has moved to 

You will find all my posts & galleries there. 

See you all there

Friday, April 15, 2011

April Street Photos

just for fun

New Westminster

New Westminster

New Westminster Public Market

Granville & Hastings, Downtown Vancouver

Gastown, Vancouver

Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Commercial Street, Vancouver

Commercial Street, Vancouver

New Westminster, My City, My Life

Downtown Vancouver

Gastown Vancouver


Gastown Vancouver

Sinclair Vancouver

Hastings Street Vancouver

Redefining Democracy

I have put forth many times the following argument: an effective democratic system is contingent on a minimum level of economic equality. My perspective has met with a number of questions regarding my communist tendency.

To have to label an argument so quickly without time to ponder on suggestions made me think that perhaps it would be helpful to explain my perspective.

Today, I want to point out the one challenge democracy faces in attempting to materialize within the context of our Federal Election.

As Canadians cry out for democracy, as the Conservative government continuing assault on justice and transparency is reported almost at an hourly rate, the focus becomes more and more on the shortcomings of parties and their leaders and on a generally accepted definition of democracy.

Democracy in general is celebrated. We focus on defeating a government that has been found in contempt. We cry "Democracy". But what troubles me is that while we cry demanding it, we often forget it's very prerequisites. Assuming democracy will restore itself following the defeat of Stephen Harper is no only incorrect but also concerning especially when the federal election won by the opposition is considered as the ultimate victory.

This election is indeed important; the most important election since I have arrived in Canada. There are encouraging patterns emerging from the youth voters and their voices committed to democratic change. This has to be celebrated in itself as a victory, but again, not the ultimate one.

Democracy can be achieved. But in order to do so, you and I have to roll up our sleeves and start working. The real work will begin after the elections. It was a professor of mine who mentioned that democracy as a concept represent quite the difficulty in addressing real needs and change. The reason is probably that there is no democratic definition of the concept itself. He encouraged us to perhaps consider social justice as a more practical concept for social change.

Within the established electoral system and practices, there are those who are neglected, those whose voices will not be heard. Apathy is a concerning factor: people have been so disillusioned with the way politics is materialized in their daily lives that some just do not participate. But there are other Canadians who do not have the same priorities you and I enjoy in order to fully participate. Here are some and you are more than welcome to add more profiles of individuals or groups whose voices have been forgotten:

- Canadians who are working hard to make ends meet, those who are trying to escape foreclosures, those who are single parents working more than full times jobs to pay their rent, food, and heat: these people are often not aware of the election issues that are taking place. I myself was quick to judge those uninformed but I have come to realize with shame that some people just do not have the time or resources to get informed. Imagine having to work a full time job and part time positions. All the time left you have is for the family and to recover for another 16 hours of work.

- Canadians who are homeless unless they have an organization working with them are not registered voters. They lack voters information and the lack of an established address prevent them from voting. I do not see our leaders addressing them; I don't see campaigns on the streets concentrated with homelessness. 

In my perspective, these are two major groups that would definitely benefit from proactive electoral participation. Circumstances preventing them thus should be very closely studies. Then, we all come to the realization that a form of economic equality would provide the time and resources for all Canadians to democratically participate in our political arena.

POVERTY is the epitome of an undemocratic society. In order to have an effective democracy, we need to address issues of poverty at the local, regional, provincial and national level. 

We need to redefine democracy embedding within it a sense of urgency in addressing poverty and marginalization of Canadians. How can we create a society where all Canadians enjoy an established minimum level of economic equality? 

Your input is very important. Lets work for real change at our individual level. What can we do about poverty today and tomorrow. Tell me.

Below, some articles related to poverty tweeted this morning.

Report by UN agencies highlights food crisis in Democratic People's Republic of Korea

During Recession, Suicide Rate Is Up

Shallow Government Response to Poverty Report, says Citizens for Public Justice

Lack of funds threatens UN food aid to millions of vulnerable Afghans

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Is it time to give up?

To claim things won't change, to state that we can't make change happen, to say that the revolutionary spirit will cause physical imprisonment is to deny oneself the chance to express freedom. i do not advocate a military revolution. What i am advocating is the revolutionary spirit which will empower us with creative solutions and allow us to work through undiscriminating collaboration  with the objective to reclaiming human dignity. As the world is increasingly denying the voices of human reason while prioritizing the reason of profit and wealth accumulation by the few, you and I stand by dying as human beings. What is it that you uphold that is worth your dignity, the humanity of those people around you. I have been warned that my tweets are sometimes too radical and too revolutionary. I have been told by kind strangers that I might be closely watched or raising some powerful eyebrows :s I envy the courage to ignore the systemic violations of Canadians' rights. I don't have that courage. I do not have the courage to see my friends and family lose their homes because they cannot afford their mortgage, I do not have the strength to tell my friends' children that things will be rough for a while. 

What would it take to reclaim dignity? I don't know.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Political Party Platforms

Canadians have experienced a number of political rollercoaster rides during the last two weeks. As of today, April 10 2011, all parties have presented their platforms and Canadians are identifying shortcomings, ambiguity, and practicality of each party’s pledge to Canada. 

From my perspective, these platforms do not really act as a comprehensive blueprint for change. This might be due to my lack of knowledge in the field of economics. Having said that and having read in-depth analyses from economists, one aspect of all platforms disturbs me a little.

All party platforms lack a fundamental self-reflective examination of methodologies and inherent biases. I believe having a self-reflective approach not only gives credibility to the platforms but also allows for discussion between the parties as well as between politicians and Canadians. Of course, this is assuming that our political system is open for a meaningful dialogue on important issues.

It is my belief that having no mention on the specific processes through which these platforms were crafted leaves Canadians in the dark. First of all, how many of voters are actually able to interpret and assess the date presented by the parties. Second, platforms seem to deal only with money allocation, inherently failing to address the root causes of important issues such as poverty and inequality. The problem is answered by $xxx rather than an approach to understanding the problems from within. Targeting spending based on a comprehensive understanding of each social problem would probably be more cost effective too.

My next post will address the Media Consortium and its implications on the 2011 Federal Election.

Thank you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Redefining Canadian Politics: implications of politics fragmented away from morality

When I was much younger, I came across a text. I don’t remember its format or purpose. But I do remember that at one point, a First Nation teenager was requested by a researcher to translate the word government into his language. The teenager replied “grandmother”.

This could have taken place almost a decade ago. And although I don’t recall the context or the article, the teenager’s answer seemed important enough to retain in my mind. It was only in time and through academia that I began to understand the implications of this answer.

In human history before modernity, knowledge and wisdom were approached more or less holistically, albeit heavily influenced by religion. The fragmentation of our experiences and knowledge into academic disciplines; and the separation between ethics, morality, and politics are all consequences of the intellectual focus on rationality from early modernity.

Today, politics is a discipline reserved for a few who have been trained in the particular art. And although there have been numerous postmodernist activists and literature that try to reclaim politics back to the individual level, the formal institutions and practitioners of politics remain unchallenged by most while being shaped and adapted by capitalist interests. 

Then, within the context of our federal election, what are the implications of politics fragmented away from morality and ethics?

Morality and ethics are in themselves battlegrounds for meaning and ideological manipulation. But consider that you and I establish a collaborative meaning for morality. You and I agree that Plato’s normative definition of morality is something we can work from: code of conduct that is put forward by a society and that is accepted as a guide to behavior by the members of that society.

When terms like morality and ethics, right and wrong, come across the political discourse, it is regrettable that they are often referred to as being subjective concepts. I think, this is where the great problem of our times lies. The focus on rationality and objectivity has within it a bias towards data that is factual, numbers, official testimonies, etc. This is why politics is heavily driven towards economy in Canada. Economy is always the answer, e.g. Child poverty will be solved through economic plans that will lower corporate taxes in order to improve job placements.

But you and I know there are better solutions, easier solutions to many problems politicians face. Apply reason but within a framework that allows you to do good, to make positive changes in the world around you. Focus on happiness, quality of life, maybe quality of leisure time.

In this election, people ask for more education funds, and more spending and investment on health care. In order to re-appropriate the political discourse to fit our needs, we need to take the discourse and turn it around and away from cold rationality based on fact sheets and numbers. We need to speak through politics of our issues in our own terms, the way we subjectively experience. Speak of your necessity to spend time with your family, speak of your difficulties working three part time jobs while having to maintain your grades to get approved for scholarship next term, speak of the way you felt the last time your store got held up, or perhaps they way you felt when the police officer was being abusive but you were too scared to report him. 

Don’t let the politician redefine what is important to you. You have your own discourse, and yours is the one that resonates with those around  you. You have a voice and a way of understanding your life from your own true perspective. Let them know. Bring politics into your life and not vice versa.

Maybe one day, when someone asks you what government means to you, your response can be “I am government”. We are all the government. 

U.S. Government Facing Shutdown: Our Elections Are Taking Us Down the Same Road

While we are in Canada carefully following the elections, the U.S. government is now facing a shutdown as Republicans and Democrats collide over proposed $33B in budget cuts. Should these parties not reach a compromise, the U.S. government will not have the funds to maintain itself.

The inability or unwillingness to compromise on the budget is further exacerbated by accusations between parties. Sounds familiar? Too familiar.

Whereas both parties have been able to agree on certain budget cuts, Republicans are demanding the withdrawal of funding for a number of programs, particularly Planned Parenthood, because of its stance on abortion.

The Democrats and Republicans are so entrenched in their positions; their unwillingness to compromise will result in the shutdown of non-essential government services. This leaves thousands of people out of work and paychecks while wealthy politicians passionately play their ideological games.

This is the road that I see Canadian politics take. With secrecy, deceit, and partisan games, this is where our politicians are leading us.

Our 2011 Federal elections was set in motion due to one reason: Conservatives were found in contempt of Parliament. And it doesn’t matter how parties are trying to focus on budgets, tax cuts, and benefits; the underlying political danger is still not being addressed.

This election is a chance for Canadians to demand more transparency and accountability in our government proceedings. The talk of budget and spending does not address this issue which means that we might just have to face yet another election soon.

We need to rise above partisanship now or we will be facing the same problems the United States is. Our leaders have failed providing us with the morale that is to keep us stronger together.

You have been in arguments with your family members, close friends, and colleagues. But as individuals, we know how to resolve differences. We know the importance of compromise.

Should we adopt the practices of our political leaders in our daily lives, there would be no family, there would not remain any married couple, there would not be respect and honour between individuals. But as we know, we live our lives compromising, constantly negotiating, sometimes willingly giving up on our own desires for those we love.

Do not let your politicians brand you and label you. We do not want to find ourselves in the same situation as Americans today.

Thursday, April 7, 2011



You don’t know me but I want to get to know you.
You don’t have to like me at first, and I don’t expect you to.
But before you apply any energy to judge me, hear me out.
Before you turn your back on me, touch my hand.

You and I might never come across each other again.
But we have the choice to make a connection right now, right here.
All you have to do is look deep inside yourself and just answer this one question:
“How can we become better human beings?”
And your answer will forever bind us. We can work together no matter where you are.

We are now friends. 

What is the 3 Minute Movement. 
A new project in the making aimed at reclaiming humanity in a market society where even our most essential needs have been commodified. 

I want this project to bring focus on the individual as a human being rather than a consumer or any other role that society has imposed upon us. I want to get to the raw emotions we deny ourselves or forget to experience them.

With this movement, I want people to just take a break and take moment to look and experience the world around them. I want people not to be afraid to give each other a chance and get to know one another. 

Join the 3 Minute Movement 
My aim is to collect all your thoughts, and post them online so that we can all work towards reclaiming what is ours: dignity and humanity.

All you have to do is read the letters below, pass them on if you like them. Tell me what humanity & dignity mean to you, what can be done to achieve it. Tell me how we can together reclaim humanity in our global world.

Join the 3 Minute Movement. Don't let your voice go unheard. I am here to listen and share with you and others like us. Post your letter or feel free to email it to me. The only catch is that the letter is to be read within 3 minutes.

Do send me your contact information so that I can give you credit online as well as in print (should we decide to publish it as a print newsletter). 

I look forward reading & sharing your input.

Letter from Susan (Westminister House)

For over 30 years, Westminster House has provided long term residential recovery for women healing from addiction. Westminster House promotes and facilitates a desire for recovery: helping women help themselves overcome addiction. The recovery program provides the necessary tools to women, so they can trust their own ability to reclaim a drug-free existence.

In our society, addiction is an ever-present issue that impacts every community, every group of people, every income level and drug addiction statistics indicate that it costs hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money each year.  It’s frightening to know that over six million children in North America live with at least one parent who suffers with addiction.

Like many, I am perplexed that there is no global remedy to addiction and that there is not more energy and resources devoted to positive action that actually helps people to recover and reclaim their lives.  Westminster House Recovery Centre for Women offers a residential recovery program for women and has a proven record of success. 

Addiction is a ferocious disease, and treatment can only succeed by virtue of a ferocious and extended effort. Westminster House provides residents with all the support they need along the road to wellness.  We know that women can and do recover from addiction.

Sincerely yours,
Susan H.

Letter from Min

My name is Min, and I want to start a small movement. It will be a movement of change that will strip us of wealth, preconceived notions, and politics. This movement will leave nothing but the being within each of us so that you and I can talk about being human beings and to create a true connection between us. By focusing on humanity, we avoid bias, lies and deception. We recognize within each other ourselves, and in your human needs I will see my needs.

I am reaching out to you as a daughter, friend, student, member of this society living below the established poverty line, cousin, uncle, father. 

But I am trying to reach much further than your social and political role. I am trying to reach that level on which you and I are nothing more than flesh and bones. With this letter I am trying to touch you, reach that human being in you who feels pain and guilt at the sight of a starving child, the human in you that bursts in anger at injustice and corruption, the being in you that feels before you think. At the end of it all, in our death beds, stripped of all glory, achievements, and wealth, you and I will face each other as nothing more than human beings: that’s whom I am trying to reach. Empathy of all our principles is the one true Canadian value. 

All I ask is for 3 minutes of your life. I understand your time is very valuable to you, but if I didn’t think that your 3 minutes was more valuable to me than it is to you, I wouldn’t be asking. I am asking you share my perspective on what I think would undeniably mark a step forward in our society.

I wake up to the news every morning. I see our political discourse being dominated by attacks, deceit, and accusations as our leaders try to destroy one another, refusing to work together. I see our politicians playing a zero sum game where the victory of one means the end of the others. There is no dialogue or reasonable arguments in politics today. I see a Prime Minister who is not willing to answer our questions, and opposition leaders who rather than working together, are trying to brand themselves as nothing more than products to be consumed.

On May 2, we will vote. Some of us are more partisan than others upholding certain principles and values we believe our party represents. I see parties breaking our lives into fractions as they see fit for their rhetoric: health care, daycare, education, crime, environment, etc. But we don’t live like that, do we? If one issue of all issues is more important to you, then that is the decisive matter on which you weigh your vote. But…does it fee like you are compromising a lot by isolating the one factor on which your vote is contingent? Not to mention that some social and economic themes do not even make it into the political agenda?

Each party leader tells us that they are the one. This political rhetoric takes away all hopes for change. But this 2011 Federal Election will not be the last election, and these candidates are not going to be our last political leaders. There will be others and as such, we need to start believing that you and I working together can make changes happen regardless of which party wins.

There will be no perfect party. Once we understand that, we begin to see that all parties are the same; we are the difference. It is our voice and our concerns that are adopted for the political rhetoric our leaders practice. They cannot determine what is important to you: only you can determine that. Your concerns and the issues that you speak of is what should set the political agenda. But you alone, are but one voice. We need each other and the moment you and I realize that we need more justice and democracy, we, together, can set the political agenda within the frameworks of our daily lives.

I am not afraid of making mistakes. And whichever party wins, I just want us to be able to hold those who represent us accountable. It is our government and we all have a stake in it. We cannot point fingers at politicians for their shortcomings if we, who have elected them, never bothered to exercise our rights to hold them accountable.

Our democracy has been assaulted again and again while our rights and voices have been dormant and sometimes silenced. As there will be no perfect political party, there will be no perfect political system. But you know what, it is our political system, our democracy and our country, and I think it is time to claim our rights to govern ourselves through proper government proceedings, through transparency, and collaboration between political parties.

Please inform yourself. Speak to others, reach out, share your ideas of a better Canada and listen to other perspectives. Make a friend. And please vote on May 2, 2011.

Thank you,

Min Reyes

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dignity's Revolution of Revolution

In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels predict a proletarian revolution against the capitalist regime: “Its [of the bourgeoisie] fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable” (Marx & Engels, 2002, p. 233). This revolution would “replace the capitalist mode of production, based on exploitation, waste, and inequality with the socialist mode of production, based upon production for human need rather than profit” (Nesbitt-Larking, 2001, p. 117). According to Heilbroner (1980), this proletarian revolution has not materialized yet; Marxism, although essential to the analysis of capitalism, “has lost its prophetic value” (Boggs, 1986, p.10).

It was in 1986 that Carl Boggs identified the emergence of a new form of social movement in North America and Europe. These new social movements were different from previous movements and revolutions in the sense that they were not primarily grounded in labour and class struggles, as predicted by Marx; they included the active participation of a myriad of social groups including “neighborhood groups, environmentalists, women and gays, peace and anti-interventionist activists, youth and students, the unemployed, and those involved in the urban struggles of minorities, welfare recipients, tenants, squatters, and the generally disenfranchised” (Boggs, 1986, p.3). According to Boggs, the materialization of these new movements has fundamentally challenged the Marxian claim that the proletariat “is the decisive revolutionary protagonist within capitalist society” (Boggs, 1986, p.17).

There have been a number of social movements within the last decade around the world. As the North American Free Trade Alliance (NAFTA) was taking effect on January 1, 1994, a new social movement emerged under the banner of EZLN (Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional translated as Zapatista Army of National Liberation). This group of women and men of all ages, both indigenous and mestizo peasants, seized the town of San Cristobal de las Casas during an armed uprising challenging the neoliberal policies and agendas being implemented by Carlos Salinas, the Mexican President. The Zapatista uprising claimed, “To us, the free trade treaty is the death certificate for the ethnic peoples of Mexico” (Blackman, 2005, p.1).

In 1999, tens of thousand of students, veterans, environmentalists, labor union members, academics, artists, among others, organized a protest to prevent the WTO conference in Seattle. Protesters blocked the entrance to the Sheraton and Roosevelt Hotels protesting against sweatshop labour, the destruction of social justice, sweatshop labour, environmental degradation, unemployment as well as growing inequality at local and international levels. The message was clear: “NO TO WTO.”   A year later, in 2000, farmers, workers, cocoa growers, the unemployed, and small business owners protested against the privatization of public water supplies by Bechtel, American transnational corporation based on San Francisco. Protesters resisted against the structural adjustment programs implemented by IMF and the World Bank along the Bolivian government under President Banzer. The protest embodied a rejection of policies through which “Bolivia's most recent governments have been very obedient to these foreign commandments, selling off everything from the national airline to the electricity system” ( 

What do NAFTA, WTO, IMF, World Back, and Bechtel share in common and why are these social movements so passionately resisting and revolting them? In order to answer this questions, it is essential to understand NAFTA, WTO, IMF and the World Bank as transnational institutions of  and for global capitalism. The author aims to analyze the materialization of new social movements as resulting from a particular historical process of political, social, and economic changes brought about by neoliberalism. The author will mainly focus on the philosophy, that of human dignity, of the Zapatista movement as the epitome of present postmodern social movements. I will then conclude with an attempt to answer “what it means to put dignity at the center of oppositional thought” (Holloway, 1997, p.2).

“Ours [Bolivia] is a small country and it hardly owns anything
any more. Our mines were privatized, the electrification company was
privatized, and the airlines, the telecommunications, the railways, our
oil and gas. The things we still own are, the water and the air, and we have
struggled to make sure that the water continues to be ours”
(Oscar Olivera, trade union leader from Cochabamba, Bolivia quoted on Assies, 2003, p.14)

In order to attempt a definition of neoliberalism, it will be helpful to examine specific examples of neoliberal policies and their social, political, and economic implication.
The documentary “Drowned Out” describes the construction of the Narmada Dam in Jalsindhi, Central India along Narmada River, traditionally revered as the most sacred rivers in India. The construction of the Narmada dam is seen as the most important development project in the history of India. However, the dam presents a threat to a number of groups of people, especially the Adivasis, indigenous people to Jalsindhi whose life is contingent on their access to the land. According to Franny Armstrong, the filmmaker, this development project represents the destruction of indigenous lands and culture leaving the Adivasis with three choices: (1) be compensated with minimal cash and move to the city and live in the slum trying to compete for a job, (2) relocate to resettlement site provided by the government with no drinkable water and no fertile soil, (3) stay at home in Jalsindhi and drown as the water devours their homes. The irony of the Narmada dam situation is that the water system that is to be developed for the greater good of India, is to be commodified, primarily serving the elite and the urban areas neglecting the ecological and social needs of farmers, indigenous peoples.  Within this context, we can argue that the Adivasis are an externality of the neoliberal project of development.  Externalities can be defined as the social, economic, political, cultural, and environmental consequences of the global regime of capitalism for which no institution, especially the corporations, can be held accountable for.  From this example, we can compare neoliberalism to Robbins’ analysis of the culture of capitalism as characterized by an (1) increase in the division of world wealth and the resulting unequal access to resources; (2) changes in the organization of capital resulting in an increasing concentration of economic and political power in fewer transnational corporations; and (3) the increase in the level of economic globalization resulting in the change of the structures and roles of the nation-state and the concentration of power on international institutions such as IMF and World Bank that support and maintain the global capitalist status quo. For instance, in regards to hunger and poverty, Robbins (2005) estimates that 1.2 billion people live on less than one dollar per day; almost 3 billion people live on less than two dollars per day; 250,000 children, an equivalent to 1,500 per hour, die from hunger and hunger related diseases; 42 percent of all deaths in periphery countries are attributed to infection diseases as resulting from malnutrition, poverty, and unsanitary living conditions. These are only the most accessible statistics that reflect that neoliberalism “has not brought more rapid economic growth, reduced poverty, or made economies more stable” (Tabb, 2003) as claimed by its advocates. According to William K. Tabb (2003), the neoliberal policies have actually retarded growth, increased poverty to an unprecedented degree, and resulted in epidemic economic and financial crises around the world. Neoliberalism has inherently built within it a contradiction between “the included and the excluded – those who can regularly participate in the formal institutions of society, politics and the economy, and those who are able to do so only intermittently, or not at all” (NACLA, 2005). It is this neoliberal practice of systematic exclusion, oppression, and domination that the new social movements resist and rebel against: “seeing themselves as both equal and different, the excluded of ‘modernity’ weave together resistances against neoliberalism, which eventually requires a global coordination of the excluded” (Rosset et al., 2005, p.36).

Zapatismo Reassessing Modernity: The New Left
According to Rosset et al., the Zapatista uprising on January 1, 1994, has marked a defining moment of revolutionary and progressive thought, a re-awakening of the global left as well as the replacement of the old Left “from the lethargy and depression brought on by the collapse of the socialist bloc and the apparent triumph of neoliberalism and free trade ideology” (Rosset et al., 2005, p.35). Although one cannot identify the Zapatista movement as marking the new form of social movements, we can argue that it has influenced new oppositional discourse. One difference between new social movements to the previous classical modern Marxist revolution is that whereas classical modernist revolutions were primarily based on class and economic struggles, the new social movements we are experiencing today are much more broad in praxis. The Marxist-Leninist language of revolution is challenged by Zapatismo as not being able to reflect the true conditions of the daily indigenous experiences of survival. Mayan indigenous peoples refer to the theories of Marx and Lenin as “palabra dura” (Eschle, 2005, p. 88) which is translated as the hard word. The hard word refers to the rhetoric of revolution that does “not ring true to the Indians of la selva (the jungle)” (Eschle, 2005, p.88). As a postmodern politics of social change, Zapatismo aims to reveal the complex matrix and interlocking systems of domination and oppression, also referred to as subaltern identities that include gender, unemployment, environmentalism, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. Subcomandante Marcos, spokesperson of the Zapatista movement, reflects on the inclusive character of new social movements in Globalization and Postmodern Politics (Burbach, 2001, p. 118):

“Marcos is Gay in San Francisco, a black in South Africa, Asian in Europe,
a Chicano in San Isidro, and [sic] anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel…
a sexist in the feminist movement, a woman alone in a Metro station at 10 p.m… 
a peasant without land… an unemployed worker, a doctor with no office…”

Thus, Zapatismo embraces the sense of alienation that is found within every human being living in a world of oppression and fragmentation.

One of the central characteristics and strengths of Zapatismo is the challenge against the modernist and classical revolutionary thought (Holloway, 1997, Burbach, 2001; Kingsnorth, 2003; Eschel & Maiguashca, 2005) of Marxism-Leninism as a “tradition of talking” which reflects the modernist belief that “theory (‘class consciousness’) must be brought to the masses by the party” (Holloway, 1997, p.4). According to Blackman (2005), the classical socialism embeds within it a heavy European bias that reflects the incompatibility of a Marxist revolution in our globalized world. The classical top down model of revolution, according to the Zapatistas, is anti-democratic in that it replaces power rather than to decentralize it. Zapatismo, among other new social movements such as the Battle of Seattle and the New Social Forum in Porto Alegre, is a movement that aims to change the world without taking over the already established structures of power for, according to Subcomandante Marcos, the struggle for power is the main source of oppression that characterizes neoliberalism in the realms of politics, economic, and cultural.

Zapatismo is also postmodern in its assault and rejection of neo-liberal modernization politics as materialized in two major institutions: the bureaucratic state and academic disciplines. Zapatismo can be argued to be an anti-state movement on the grounds that the state is seen as an institution of imperialism and oppression that excludes the majority in order to protect the interest of a few. Within the context of globalization and neoliberalism, the documentary The New Rulers of the World argues that corporations have become the new rulers of the world by expanding their economic and political influence through processes of globalization and economic integration. International institutions such as IMF and World Bank and powerful nation-states, mostly U.S., maintain and perpetuate these neoliberal processes and policies by providing economic and military support which often times leading to violence, war and terror.

Zapatismo is also a postmodern “rejection of positivism” (Holloway, 1997, p.9) as a paradigm of oppression and exploitation through which the western knowledge system has imposed as the universal system “spread[ing] by violence and misrepresentation” (Shiva, 1993, p. 3) marginalizing all alternative world views and systems of knowledge. The environmental policies of the World Bank clearly reflect the positivist paradigm that justifies and legitimized exploitation of Third World countries. Lawrence Summers, chief economist of the World Bank during 1991, argued that it was economically logical for the United States to “export its pollution and toxic waste to poor countries” (Robbins, 2005, p.229). The rationale behind Summers’ arguments are outlined by Robbins as follows:
  1. The lives of people in the Third World, judged by “foregone earnings” from illness and death, are worth less – hundreds of times less – than those of individuals in advanced capitalist countries where wages are hundreds of times higher…
  2. Third World environments are underpolluted compared to places such as Los Angeles and Mexico City
  3. A clean environment, in effect, is a luxury good pursued by rich countries because of the aesthetic and health standards in those countries. Thus, the worldwide cost of pollution could decrease of waste was transferred to poor countries where a clean environment is “worth” less, rather than polluting environments of the rich where a clean environment is “worth” more

This quote unveils the international institutions appropriation of positivist knowledge into economics that reduces all social, economic and political issues to matters of figures and statistics that prioritize the powerful.

The formation of EZLN reflects the diversity of culture and knowledge systems upon which it is built: a fusion of worldviews including “indigenous utopias, agrarian struggles, the Guevarism of ‘Che,’ and the liberation theology” (Rosset et al., 2005, p.38) as well as “radical feminist approaches to movement construction” (Eschle, 2005, p.26). Zapatismo embraces the context specific knowledge that gives local people authority and legitimacy. The Zapatista conception of time epitomizes this fusion of knowledge: in an interview with Television Espanola, Subcomandante Marcos explains why he is wearing two watches: the watch on the right represents the time of civil society, bureaucracy and the state and the watch on the left represents the indigenous time of war. The contradiction of these two time frames is most evident when during treaties the state requires the Zapatistas to present a decision in a matter of hours whereas Zapatismo requires a consensus reached through a democratic collective dialogue on any given issue which can take up to six months. Marcos explains during this interview that the goal of Zapatismo is get past the dichotomy of time of these two worlds and reach the hour of understanding and peace.

Zapatismo also challenges the academic structure of knowledge whereby the “fragmentation of the world into the disciplines of social science, those disciplines which break reality and in breaking, exclude, suppressing the suppressed” (Holloway, 1997, p.9). It is the systematic separation between morality and politics that allows the “formally democratic regimes all over the world to co-exist with growing levels of poverty and social marginalization” (Holloway, 1997, p.10). The neoliberal democracy only extends to the ability of one to participate in the market, whereas the neoliberal liberty is often represented as the freedom to shop (as emphasized by G.W. Bush in his speech after 9/11), and finally, the neoliberal justice refers to the necessity to police and punish through the penal system, which is increasingly being privatized. For instance, the documentary This Is What Democracy Looks Like states that corporate ownership of American prison has grown 1000 percent due to its source of cheap labour.

The fragmentation of the social science discipline in the analysis of our society has a fetishizing effect. The formal institutions and power relations are often times reified; this veils the source of domination and oppression: from this vantage point, a holistic view of society is very difficult, if not impossible. The struggle of Zapatismo against positivism is materialized within its very communication efforts that take “the form of stories and myths” (Holloway, 1997, p.4). The Zapatistas rely on folk culture and traditional systems of knowledge and beliefs such as dance, stories, jokes, songs, poems, etc. The Zapatista choice of expression through poetry and stories is, according to Eschle and Maiguashca, a political statement of rejection and “an attempt to disrupt and disturb the government’s monopoly on truth and fact” (Eschle & Maiguashca, 2005, p. 88). Zapatismo attempts to recuperate the reality of oppression, alienation, and inhumanity that are often times excluded from the discourse of the state, academia, and even that of classical revolutionary thought.

Dignity as the foundation of new revolutionary thought

“we saw that not everything had been taken away from us, that we had the most valuable, that which made us live, that which made our step rise above plants and animals, that which made the stone be beneath our feet, and we saw, brothers [sic], that all that we had was DIGNITY, and we saw that great was the shame of having forgotten it, and we saw that DIGNITY was good for men [sic] to be men again, and dignity returned to live in our hearts, and we were new again, and the dead, our dead, saw that we were new again and they called us again, to dignity, to struggle”
(Holloway, 1997, p.1)

Dignity is defined by Holloway as the “refusal to accept humiliation and dehumanization, [and] the refusal to confirm” (Holloway, 1997, p.1). This concept of dignity is central to the Zapatista movement which aims to “convert dignity and rebellion into freedom and dignity” (Holloway, 1997, p.1). But what does it mean to have a social movement that revolves around dignity? A global society ruled by the capitalist regime whereby the interests of the powerful have a devastating effect on universal democracy, justice, and freedom, can be described as a society characterized by inhumanity, terror, and injustice.

Within the context of globalization, the struggle for dignity is a struggle against the systematic oppression of the majority. According to Zapatismo, every human being has the right to claim his/her dignity. Capitalism, from this perspective, is an “increasingly inhuman society” (Holloway, 1997, p.2) characterized by the growing focus on the never-ending accumulation of capital, profit, and commodities that takes precedence over the wellbeing of humanity in general. Ours is a society of alienation. According to Rosset et al., Zapatismo, as a struggle of neoliberalism, implies the imperative to (re)constructing  a new humanism which arises “from the recognition of oneself in the other, the subjugation, humiliation and annihilation of the other, which are the negation of humanity [of noeliberalim]” (Rosset et al., 2005, p.36). Within global capitalism therefore, the claim to dignity is not limited to the indigenous peoples in Mexico claiming for their rightful use to common lands, healthcare, and education. The claim to dignity crosses the constructed borders of geography, ethnicity, gender, or any other categories of social classification. The claim to dignity is universal in that every human being is entitled to the same right, that of freedom, justice, and democracy. The struggle for dignity therefore becomes “the struggle of (and for) human existence in an oppressive society, as relevant to life in Edinburgh, Athens, Tokyo, Los Angeles…” (Holloway, 1997, p.1) for “those without voice, without face, without tomorrow” (Le Bot, 1997, p.206). For the first time, we can argue, there materialized an all-inclusive and subaltern movement that takes account of the matrix of domination.

The struggle for dignity is an unorthodox revolutionary approach. The revolution of dignity endeavors to “learn to hear, to listen” (Holloway, 1997, p.4). In other words, the struggle for dignity is a revolution based on dialogue prioritizing the opportunity to learn from others and celebrating new unorthodox perspectives. As a dialogical revolution, it is self-reflective as well as self-creative making of the revolution “a question rather than an answer” (Holloway, 1997, p.5). The revolution of dignity, as materialized in the Zapatista movement, does not and cannot therefore be a blueprint or recipe for new world order (Jeffries, 2001; Seoane, 2004): although the goal is to reach a society based on democracy, freedom and justice, the Zapatista movement is not able to provide a manual and a map to such goals: “If the revolution is not only to achieve democracy as an end, but is democratic in its struggle, then it is impossible to pre-define its path” (Holloway, 1997, p.6). Thus the struggle for dignity reconceptualizes revolution as a revolution that not only defies definition but “is essentially anti-definitional” (Holloway, 1997, p.8). The focus on human dignity allows Zapatismo to understand the process of definition as a process that inherently excludes. How many people are being excluded by the neoliberal rhetoric of democracy, freedom, and justice? I believe too many: women, the hungry, the young, the old, the ill, the poor, the very young and the old, the transsexual, the homosexual, the worker, the farmer, the landless, the colored. The reliance on human dignity as a pivotal element of social change allows the Zapatista movement to become a “revolution of revolution” (Holloway, 1997, p.1)

When the Zapatista movement focuses on human dignity, it focuses on the one common ground where all human beings can come to a universal understanding. When we focus on human dignity as a theory and practice of social movements, we fight against fragmentation and exclusion. One major argument presented by the documentary “This Is What Democracy Looks Like” is that fragmentation is the tool of the powerful to maintain and further prioritize their interests. Numerous activists state, “ while corporations build empires across borders, we are fenced in. We are taught to fear each other, and isolation leaves us powerless.” Another activist argues, “Our coming together is where our power is, so it makes sense that they [WTO, multinational corporations, state] would focus on our differences and division.” Here we can see that by focusing on dignity as the central concept of social movements, differences are seen rather as strengths and are therefore celebrated.

There have been a growing number of social movements emerging around the world under the flag of anti-globalization, anti-capitalism, environmentalism, social justice and human rights movements. Although specific to a certain social issue, every movement can be understood as a rejection to globalization or certain aspects of globalization: they struggle against political and economic institutions of neoliberal capitalism; they are each internally composed of a variety of ideologies, peoples, and strategies; they promote horizontality and autonomy and reject any form of top-down exercise of power; they fight for a more humane society where ‘people come before profits.’ I do agree with Patricia King and Francisco Javier when they state that the “essential contribution of the Zapatistas…was to demonstrate democracy to those on the Left who preached revolution, and demonstrate revolution to those advocating democracy” (Holloway & Pealez, 1998, p.122).

Zapatismo can be considered as one of the most widely known ““new social movement” (NSM) school, which begins from the assumption that there have been profound changes in recent activism, responding to structural shits in late modernity” (Eschle & Maiguashca, 2005, p. 19). According to Jose Seoane, the Zapatista uprising has become the “reference for the growing anti-globalization movement that was gradually taking shape in both the North and the South” (Seoane, 2004, p.384). The Zapatista revolution has become the first step towards global movements of resistance and rebellion against globalization that have paved the way for the Battle of Seattle in 1999 and the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in 2001; they voice their frustrations against liberalism its policies, and institutions, which according to the world’s majority of both North and South, make no sense. This new generation of social movements share the philosophy of Zapatismo: (1) power is not to be concentrated at the government level, it needs to be developed from below at the community level “to be used by and for the people it affects” (Kingsnorth, 2003, p.20) and (2) decentralization of power can only be achieved if people “rise up as a community” (Kingsnorth, 2003, p.20).

Research on these new social movements which are increasing in occurrence as well as in the number of participants makes me believe that what we are experiencing is one revolution: the revolution of dignity against neoliberalism and its inherent negation of human dignity. This new revolution materializes sporadically in different corners of the world as the manifestation of counter-hegemonic discourses that have been allowed to emerge from the breaking down of traditional state apparatuses and changing geographical spheres of social interaction. Thus, each and every new social movement is a precise moment of one larger revolution against this negation of dignity. The nature of these movements reflect the globalization that results in the increasing opening of a “new political space of contestation as it ruptures existing patterns of relations between state and civil society” (Stahler-Sholk, 2001, p.1).

There are a number of questions left unanswered in this piece. For instance, what does a revolution that ‘walks asking’ and ‘to command obeying’ look like against a struggle against an inherently inhuman regime look like? How can we create a powerless and/or egalitarian society without perpetuating social relations of oppression of domination? What will happen after all forms and sources of alienation are defeated with dignity? Why are new social movements, especially Zapatismo, inherently ambiguous and contradictory? Zapatistas admit the ambiguity of their movement. Ambiguity and contradictions of Zapatismo might be considered weaknesses if we do not ourselves challenge our framework of understanding. In the process of analyzing Zapatismo, we might not be defining the movement itself; we might be defining our own perspectives and our assumptions and contradictions.

With strong reasons, Roger Burbach (2001) has cautioned us not to fall into the trap of romantizing the Zapatista movement and the struggle of dignity. The aim of this paper has not been to romanticize the Zapatismo although personally it has been difficult. The aim here is to understand new social movements as a postmodern discourse of hope for alternative paths to human development before economic development. Throughout the process of research and writing this paper, I have come to realize that my research reflects a sense of urgency in adopting a new form of discourse through which we can “bring theory down to the level of the human being, to what is lived, to share with the people the experiences that makes it possible to continue living” (Eschle & Maiguashca, 2005, p.99). Adopting the philosophy of Zapatismo, my goal has been to present a research “not directed to the head… [but] aims to the heart, the part most forgotten” (Le Bot, 1997, p.356).